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APS Main Office

Contact the APS front desk at 303-492-8915.

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Abbreviations used:

All other office numbers are in the Duane Physics building. Offices with F-prefixes are located in the Gamow tower; those with A-prefixes are in the JILA tower.

If only 4 digits of a phone number are given, prepend 303-492. If 5 digits are given, prepend 303-492 or 303-735, depending on the first number of the extension. Some people have more than one office, and thus more than one phone number.

Clicking a link on someone's name will take you to their personal web site.


Name Phone Office E-Mail
Phil Armitage 2-7836 A909 (JILA)
Fran Bagenal 2-2598 D-113
Daniel Baker 2-4509, 2-0591 W207G (SPSC), D-135 (DUAN)
John Bally 2-5786 C323A (CASA)
Mitchell C. Begelman 2-7856 A-808 (JILA)
David Brain 5-5606 D133, SPSC N236
Axel Brandenburg 2-9309 JILA A604; LASP SPSC N216
Ben Brown 2-8647 D115 (DUANE), N220 (SPSC)
Jack Burns 5-0963 Stadium 120B
Webster C. Cash 2-4056/5-2640 ARL 175C/ Duane F913
Julie Comerford 5-7032 C328A (CASA)
Steven Cranmer 5-1265 D-111, N-218 (SPSC)
Jeremy Darling 2-4881 C323B (CASA)
Jean-Michel Desert 2-9641 D313 (CASA)
Doug (Douglas) Duncan 5-6141 D137, N710 (SBO)
Erica Ellingson 2-6610 C332A (CASA)
Robert Ergun 2-1560, 2-6944 LSTB277, D119
Larry Esposito 2-7325 D-117
Kevin France Duane D219, SPS D219, LASP N214
Jason Glenn 5-5904/2-6073 ARL 175E/Stadium 116 (CASA)
James Green 2-7645/2-7712 ARL E132/D239 (CASA)
Nils Halverson 2-6817/2-0315 ARL 175F/Stadium 123B (CASA)
Andrew J.S. Hamilton 2-7833 A-706 (JILA)
Seth Hornstein 2-5631, 2-9105 D143, N125 (SBO)
Mark Rast 2-5348,5-1038 D121, LSTB 135
Nick Schneider 2-7672 D-139, SPSC N234
Michael Shull 2-7827 D-235
John T. Stocke 2-1521 C328B (CASA)
Juri Toomre 2-7854, 2-8769 A606/G328

Emeritus Faculty

Name Phone Office E-Mail
Charles Barth
Peter S. Conti 2-8497 A-903 (JILA)
John E. Hart 2-8568, 2-4248 G-327, G-316 (PAOS)
J.McKim Malville D145
Richard McCray 2-7835 A-603 (JILA)
Theodore (Ted) P. Snow 2-7669 D145
Theodore W. Speiser 497-3824 NOAA
Gary E. Thomas 2-7022 D-135 (LASP)


Name Phone Office E-Mail
Aubra Anthony 2-5841 ARL 175I (CASA)
Jason Austermann 2-5942 ARL 175I (CASA)
Thomas (Tom) R. Ayres 2-4051 ARL E108 (CASA)
R. Scott Barrows D211
Matthew Beasley 2-1983 ARL E126 (CASA)
Al Betz 2-4880 ARL 175A (CASA)
Thomas Bogdan 497-1547 HAO
Rita Boreiko 2-7485 ARL 175A (CASA)
Patricia Bornman 497-3532 NOAA
Matteo Brogi 5-7896 Duane D313
Alexander Brown 2-7810 ARL E122 (CASA)
Eric Burgh 2-5584 ARL E123 (CASA)
Robin Canup 546-6856 SWRI
Clark Chapman 546-9670 SWRI
Alexander Conley 2-7675 ARL 175H (CASA/Physics)
Charles Danforth 2-8766 D141
Dennis Ebbets 939-4816 Ball Aerospace
Peter Gilman 497-1108 HAO
David Grinspoon 546-9670 SWRI
Geraint Harker 2-5948 ARL 188 (CASA)
Bradley Hindman 2-8962 JILA A403
Catherine Huitson 29624 D319
Bruce Jakosky 8004
Brian Keeney 5-4190 C329A (CASA)
Kaitlin Kratter 25855 JILA A-907
Steve Lee 5348 D-213 (LASP)
Emily Levesque 5-0129 C327A
Harold (Hal) Levison 546-9670 SWRI
Jeffrey Linsky 7838 A-508 (JILA)
Philip Maloney 2-5055 ARL 175G (CASA)
Bill McClintock 8407 LSTB 131 (LASP)
Francisco Muller-Sanchez 2-9629 Duane C327A
Samaya Nissanke 303-492-8859 Duane D217
Ryan OLeary
Steven Osterman 2-3656 ARL E130 (CASA)
Joel Parker 546-0265 SWRI
Carolyn Porco 720-974-5849 Space Sciences Institute
Cora Randall 8208 D-249 (LASP)
Naseem Rangwala 5-4171 ARL 175K (CASA)
David Rusch 8627 D-219 (LASP)
Steve Skinner 2-4202 Stadium 121 (CASA)
Glen Stewart 3737 D-211 (LASP)
Ian Stewart 8689, 4630 D-121 (LASP), LSTB 227
Guy Stringfellow 2-6056 Stadium 122 (CASA)
David Syphers 2-5592 Duane C329B
Matthew van Adelsberg 2-7812 A506 (JILA)
Bill Ward
Lisa Winter 2-3165 ARL E104
Tom Woods 4224 LSTB 223 (LASP)
Andrew Youdin JILA

Graduate Students

Name Phone Office E-Mail
Piyush Agrawal 3039313874
Evan Anders
Baylee Bordwell
Jacob Bruns 805-904-7138 JILA A904
Mike Chaffin 303-517-0319 SPSC N223
Eric Coughlin A906 JILA
Matteo Crismani SPSC N 226D
Hilary Egan 5134447516
Nicholas Erickson
Wendeline Everett ARL 150A
Christopher Fowler LASP N290G
Adalyn Fyhrie
Daniel Gole 6077421976 A905
Katherine Goodrich
Ben Greer
Caitlin Heath
Keri Hoadley 2-5661 ARL 150G
Bryan Holler
Justin Holmes Gamow F833
Briana Ingermann 2083408267 Duane D132
Nick Kruczek
Jen Kulow
Jesse Lord SPSC N208D
Matthew McJunkin ARL-175K
Jacob Miller
Jordan Mirocha 2-7410 Stadium 118
Karan Molaverdikhani
Joshua Moloney
Chris Moore (303) 492-0795 ARL 150
Rebecca Nevin 4256389745 E126
Ryan Orvedahl 508-361-7229 A604A (JILA)
Marcus Piquette
Drake Ranquist (502) 759-0511 SPSC N290C
Morgan Rehnberg 717-586-8556 SPSC N221
Jessica Roberts
David Schenck 520-360-3886 Stadium 124
Marek Slipski
Julia Stawarz LASP SSC N290H (East Campus)
Andrew Sturner SPSC N287
Evan Tilton D233
Alexandra Truebenbach D-211
Samuel Van Kooten
Tristan Weber
Jordan Wheeler 314-574-1711 D152
Erika Zetterlund Duane D-213


Name Phone Office E-Mail
Susan Armstrong 2-4408 F-233 Gamow Tower
Emily Barber 2-8915 E-226
Martin Black 52595 Duane F211
Gwen Dickinson 2-4170 A604
Michelle Hamernik 2-8914 E226C
Beth Livesay 2-2338 E-226B
Kerry McLean 2-8915 E226D
Fabio Mezzalira 2-6732 SBO N125
Francisco (Tito) Salas 2-3749 FISKE

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